Tutti i dati dei tuoi pazienti, nella stessa schermata:
una demo
Diabetes Care
Efficacy of a Connected Insulin Pen Cap in People With Noncontrolled Type 1 Diabetes: A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial
Emory University School of Medicine
A Randomized Study To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Insulclock® Pen Device In Insulin-treated Patients With Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes
European Patent Office
Monitoring device with universal adapter to drug injection pens
2020 ATTD Congress
Mejora del control glucémico, la adherencia y calidad de vida en pacientes con DT1
2019 ATTD Congress
Monitorización de dosis, tiempo y administración de insulina olvidada. Ayuda a detectar y evitar errores frecuentes en la administración de insulina
Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics
Insulclock: A Novel Insulin Delivery Optimization and Tracking System
II Reto Salud Andalucía
Insulclock, winner of the II Andalucía Health Challenge for its comprehensive help and assistance system for the monitoring and management of diabetes.
Horizonte 2020
Recognition from the European Union for one of the most innovative projects for the control and monitoring of diabetes.
Fundación Jiménez Diaz
Integration of the Insulclock System in the University Hospital of the Jiménez Díaz (Quirón Salud Group).
Innovative SME Recognition from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business.
Support for the creation and consolidation of technology-based companies.
Universal Concentrator Assisted by Online Recommendation Technology (2022-2025).
Referencia: CPP2021-009139.
Financiado por MICIN - 1.568.129,80€. I.P. Luis Ruiz-Valdepeñas.Otros: MiceLab- Universidad de Girona
Sviluppo di un sistema per personalizzare e automatizzare il trattamento con insulina (2023-2025).
Cofinanziato dal Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale attraverso il Programma Pluriregionale FEDER 2021-2027 della Spagna e dal CDTI - €894.034.